Ecothrive Eco Life Soil 45L
Ecothrive & Indoor Organics have teamed up to bring you Eco-Life, a 100% organic living soil, crafted from natural ingredients in small batches to enable growers of all abilities to grow healthy and productive plants whilst feeding JUST WATER!
Eco-Life contains everything a plant needs from seed to harvest, fully loaded with the basic nutrition required for the whole cycle and with minimal additional inputs required. All you need to do is keep it moist, and use enough soil for the size of plant, it couldn’t be easier.
This latest version of Eco-Life is made indoors for full control of the potting soil preparation process. Pumice is now used instead of perlite, and premium vermicompost to give growers an even higher quality organic soil. Eco-Life is now packaged in a cardboard box to reduce plastic waste and has a thin LDPE plastic liner that is easy to recycle.
Eco-Life is a real soil, made with compost and other natural inputs to replicate what happens in nature. It is based on a thriving microbial population to make nutrients available to the plants just when they need it. Healthy plants lead to happy growers, and you will be delighted with the results you can achieve with little more than a pot of soil, some water and basic amendments. No longer do you need to mix up several feeds for different plants, just develop a good watering technique to maintain the optimal soil conditions and you will be amazed at the quality that can be produced.
Eco-Life soil is different to traditional bagged soils and soilless substrates. You do not need to feed your plants with a liquid nutrient formula each time you water, the nutrition is already loaded into the soil, you just need to help the microbes make it available. The basics is just to use good quality water, applied in a sensible manner, and allow the plant to take control.
Ecothrive have created a blend of naturally sourced inputs that replicates a humus rich fertile soil. All of the ingredients we use are multi-nutritional and offer growth stimulating benefits to maximise plant health, vigour and immunity and by mixing in a range of long, medium and short release ingredients, Eco-Life gives plants everything they need from seed until harvest.
At the end of the plants life it will begin to mature naturally, with no need to ‘flush’ in conventional terms. If no additional feeds were added during the grow then there is nothing to remove from the soil, the plant will just stop feeding when it is finished and slow down it’s processes until ready to harvest.
By blending a custom mix of coarse and fine Irish Sphagnum Peat Moss with Pumice, Ecothrive have developed the soil to have the perfect structure for good water retention whilst maintaining optimal aeration. It will hold water well to reduce run off but also minimise the chance of overwatering due to good aeration. This enhances optimal root development and aerobic conditions for good microbes. It all starts with the perfect soil structure!
Without bacteria and fungi your soil is dead, and we need this beneficial biology to bring it to life! The millions of microbes in your soil is what unlocks the nutrition from the raw materials and without them nothing can grow. We have developed our own supercharged compost to kick start the life we need for healthy soils. Compost is the key to healthy soil and we’ve got it covered!
The easiest way to add fast nutrition to a soil mix is with slaughterhouse waste, but these sources come from intensively reared animals fed on animal feeds often supplemented with GMO grains. These animal by-products often contain growth hormones or antibiotics; contaminants we certainly don't want in our gardens. Ecothrive to only use clean sourced natural inputs.
Eco-Life is blended and bagged in the UK and all it’s inputs come from sustainable sources so you can be sure every effort is taken to protect the planet in the making and mixing. They are fully transparent with all sources and investigate all inputs back to origin before approving them for production. There probably isn’t a more sustainable way to grow!
Eco-Life contains Irish Sphagnum Peat Moss, Coco Coir, Pumice, Vermicompost (Worm Castings), Mealworm Frass (Charge), Neem Cake, Seaweed meal, Crustacean meal, Volcanic Rockdust, Gypsum, Calcium and Magnesium Limestone & Humic and Fulvic Acids. Loaded with organic nutrition, these natural inputs supercharge the potting soil.
To get the full benefits of using Eco-Life, we recommend using approximately 180-250 litres per 1.2m2.
We highly recommend using approx 1 x 45L box per pot, with 4 x pots per 1.2m2.
Other pot sizes will also work, as long as you get the soil volume to area on point. For example; 2 x 80L pots, 6 x 30L pots, 9 x 20L pots, or one big 200L bed would all be suitable.